Preparing your Equipment for Ice Fishing Season

How to Prepare your Equipment for Ice Fishing Season

When the leaves start to fall, that means our favorite time of year is almost here! It is time to start to prepare your equipment for ice fishing season. Last-minute preparations are a pain and put a damper on the first trip out. So, don’t let this be you. Prepare your equipment for ice fishing season with us and, you will be ready to go. Remember, never venture out on the ice too early and always check the ice thickness. Check out this blog and learn when it is safe to start ice fishing.


First, you need to break your shelter out of storage. Pull your tent down from the attic or your skid house out of the corner of the shop. Clean and inspect your ice fishing shelter. Look for damage from the previous season that may need to be fixed, or see if mice made any homes while in storge. Also, check the hyfax on the bottom of your skids and verify it doesn’t need to be replaced. If it does, contact your dealer to get a new set on the way.


Also, pull your clothing out of storage. Inspect it for any damage from critters. Try it on to make sure it fits. There is nothing worse than not being able to zip your coat when you’re ready to go. Not only will it wreck your self-esteem, but your day of fishing too.

Rods & Lures

Now, pull your rods and lures out. See if you need to restock your favorite lures that you may have lost last season. Also, now is a great time to organize your lures. Then, check your poles for any damage, lubricate your reels, and verify the line is in good shape.  Fishing line does break down over time and needs to be replaced from time to time.

Fish Finders

Finally, get out your fish finder and charge the battery. Once the battery is full, test it to make sure it holds, this is not something you would want to discover on the ice.

Now, you’re ready for the season! If you want to upgrade to a lightweight skid house this year, find a dealer near you.

A Guide to Ice Fishing for BeginnersIce Fishing for BeginnersLabeling requirements for ice fishing equipmentLabeling Requirements for Ice Fishing Equipment in Minnesota

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