Ambush Striker

Fishing on the Ice with an Ice House

Many fishers find themselves stuck inside their homes waiting for the weather to clear come wintertime. But who said you had to wait for an entire season to pass to enjoy your favorite sport – fishing? You might be shocked to hear that there is something known as ice fishing.

Yes, believe us it is possible, completely safe, and 100% entertaining during the frigid winter months. Finding it intriguing? Let’s go ahead and have a look at what ice fishing is and how it is possible. Continue reading to find out more!

What Is Ice Fishing?                                                                                         

Ice fishing is a winter sport for fishermen who are looking for a challenge. Fishermen drill holes in the ice, set up a line, get a stool and wait for the fish to bite.  But over the centuries, the sport has drastically evolved.

The goal of our ancestors was purely sustenance-driven. But today, for modern fishermen it is mainly about sport. Plus, today, we don’t wait on stools. We invest in a fishing ice house to add a modern touch to the sport.

How Does Ice Fishing Work?

The question is, how does it work? Or is it even safe? Well, yes! Fishermen have been practicing the art of ice fishing for centuries now, and we can say that we probably have mastered it by now, especially with the insanely strong aluminum Ambush Fish Houses.

Ambush is one of the best ice fish house manufacturers in the world. To meet the needs of different fishermen, Ambush has come up with two types of ice houses;


Why Use An Ice House?

An ice house is like a large insulated box. Instead of sitting on direct ice now, you get to enjoy ice fishing inside a safe and warm house equipped with modern technology. The ice house comes with built-in fishing holes and a single spear hole, allowing you to set up multiple lines at a time. Directly drill through the holes, set the lines, and wait for the fish to bite. It is as simple as that!

What are you waiting for? Grab your fishing buddies, some food, and satellite TV. Have a blast on top of the ice, securely tucked away in a one-of-a-kind ice house, waiting for the fish to bite while you spend quality time with your friends. Don’t forget to make sure your ice house is following labeling requirements for your state!

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