All About Spearhouse Fishing
If you live where it get’s cold enough for lakes to freeze, you have probably heard people talking about darkhouse or spearhouse fishing. You may think to yourself, “What’s that?”. Well, we are here to help! Let’s bring you up-to-speed on spearhouse fishing. What is a spearhouse? To begin, a spearhouse is a shelter like […]
The Advantages of a Darkhouse Spearing Skid House
Spearfishing in a darkhouse is an activity many enjoy in the cold winter months. Having the proper equipment is a huge part of having success in spearfishing. Some spearfisherman choose to use pop-up or permanent shelters but they have their flaws. The Ambush Stryker Darkhouse Ice Fishing Spear House is the best option if you want […]
Ice Fishing with a Heater
We get it. No one enjoys being cold while ice fishing! Ice fishing heater is the best way to fix this problem, but there is a right and wrong way to do it. An ice fishing heater must be properly vented in an enclosed space, like an ice fishing shelter. Check out our recommendations on […]
Labeling Requirements for Ice Fishing Equipment in Minnesota
The ice fishing season is quickly approaching. If you are anything like us, you can not wait to get out there. As you start to break your equipment out of storage and get it ready for the season, it is essential to meet all labeling requirements for ice fishing equipment. Once your skid house and […]
How to Prepare your Equipment for Ice Fishing Season
When the leaves start to fall, that means our favorite time of year is almost here! It is time to start to prepare your equipment for ice fishing season. Last-minute preparations are a pain and put a damper on the first trip out. So, don’t let this be you. Prepare your equipment for ice fishing […]
A Guide to Ice Fishing for Beginners
If you live where the temperature drops below freezing, you have likely seen people ice fishing in skid houses. Ice fishing is an entertaining activity for the cold winter months. You will find lots of people take ice fishing very seriously and invest in the sport. You will have lots of questions and learning moments as […]
What is the Ideal Skid House Weight?
Though it seems like a small detail, until you need to move your ice fishing skid house, the weight of a skid house is very important. When considering buying a skid house, you need to pay attention to its weight. You also need to understand the tradeoffs for a heavier skid house vs. a lighter […]
What to Keep in an Ice Fishing Tackle Box
Ice fishing tackle is an important part of a successful ice fishing trip. Not all tackle can be used when ice fishing. So, when you load up your skid house for the season, make sure you grab your ice fishing tacklebox. Here are our recommendations on what every well-equipped ice fishing tackle box should have. […]
Safe Ice Thickness for Ice Fishing
If you are anything like us, when the water freezes, you want to spend as much time ice fishing as you can. Making the most of your season by getting out on the ice early and staying late is important, but so is being safe by knowing the proper ice thickness for fishing. The shelter […]
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