Pulling Ice Fishing Blind

Portable Ice House

Choosing Your Portable Ice House

When it comes to purchasing a portable ice house, you are doing it to simplify your life out on the ice. So, how do you know that you are choosing the right model? Depending on the size, and what kind of material it’s made out of, the price can become hefty before you even know it. With this being a big purchase for many, you want to take several things into consideration when choosing your portable ice house. This could be size, material, location, or even how it looks! Read on for Ambush to go over the crucial points that you should use when determining which ice house is best for you.

Size, Structure, Quality, and More!

ambush portable ice house side view 1
ambush portable ice house inside view
ambush portable ice house side view 2

When choosing your portable ice house, it’s easy to say that you prefer the largest house out on the lake! But, think specifically about how you personally fish. Although a smaller model may save you some money, you may want to think again. There’s a large amount of portable ice house shoppers that come back to trade in for larger after 1-2 years. You should likely choose a bigger skid house if you are already debating it! Ambush offers an excellent degree of comfort in larger size capacities; not only when it comes to weight – but storage as well.

Inside of Ambush Ice House 2

With the needs of fishermen constantly changing and lifestyles adapting, it is important to choose a portable ice house that is fitting for you. Having the ability to upgrade, trade-in, or sell in the future can be based solely on the investment that is made right from the start.

When comparing one ice house with another, a good place to begin is checking for quality craftsmanship inside and out. It is important to not only check for quality materials, soldering, and build, but also for ample storage space. Another place to check is the windows! You want to be sure that they are going to hold up in temperatures of 20 below zero and seal tightly so that condensation has no chance of seeping in. Substantial additions can include shelves, cabinets, windows, and doors. Wall fixtures can provide you with extra storage space to keep your portable ice house spacious and comfortable. For most fishermen, this is where you are getting what you pay for. Taking a look and evaluating all of these options determines what you can do without, and what you can’t! Just like with any major purchase, an up-front investment can reap numerous rewards. 

portable ice house hitch

Although you’ll find that wood and steel frames are cheaper, they leave more room to rot and rust! Making a significantly lighter and possibly more rigid build, aluminum bodies take care of numerous maintenance concerns. The Stryker and The Slayer from Ambush have no seams or wood, preventing water from seeping into the ice house. Featuring a gel coat exterior and a fiberglass interior, our design leaves for an unblemished, clean appearance. Boasting a lightweight, you can get out onto the ice earlier in the season!

Reel Holder in Ambush Ice House

Ambush believes in the best skid houses of 2021, and that’s just what we provide. Take care of your portable ice house, and you’ll have a product that keeps you happy all winter long – we guarantee it! Give us a call today!

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