Ambush Striker on Ice

Ice House Skid

Ambush Ice Fishing Skid Houses

Ambush puts any other standard skid house to the test! With numerous years of experience on-the-ice, we put just about every fundamental to the test, find out what didn’t work, and threw those aspects aside. Making adjustments and improvements, our professionals went back to the ice. What was a difficult process full of hits and misses, Ambush has both the methods and materials to build the optimum ice house.

Ambush provides an skid house that rises above the rest. Considered industry gold by many, you can put Ambush to the test and come out on top every time.

The Slayer and The Stryker

The Slayer and the Stryker ice houses are the most lightweight, & best ice houses in the industry. With a durable build and a lightweight frame, our ice houses are fit for any angler. Our units are built without wood, avoiding issues that come about from rotting wood. With a seamless build, leakage from water is a thing of the past. No seams to pull apart means nothing can get in – or out! A far less heavy build assures that you can be on the ice significantly earlier in the season, and safer, too! A non-slip floor thanks to a Durabond System of paneling means that there is extra strength in either ice house. As a result of trial, error, and research, Ambush has successfully crafted the most reliable ice house on the market. Built for all-season use, you can trust Ambush to keep your comfortable time and time again.
Many people ask themselves; why should I purchase an ice skid house instead of a wheelhouse?

  • A skid house can move quickly – no setup or tear down as you will find with a wheelhouse.
  • Effortless to heat.
  • Save thousands on the cost of a permanent ice house or a heavy wheelhouse.
  • No more having to worry about rust, our ice house is virtually maintenance-free.
  • Lightweight enough to tow with a snowmobile, ATV, or most vehicles.
  • The ability to explore the area and set up at your favorite spots while avoiding congested fishing spots.
  • The option to utilize an ice skid house for months opposed to days or weeks like a permanent house or a wheelhouse.

Wheelhouse vs. Skid House

Every angler wants to be able to use their prized skid house for months instead of weeks. Even on days where mother nature is relentless! Unlike a wheelhouse, this type of ice house can make its way over snow. The ability to get off the plowed roads and away from the crowds opens up a wider area of potential. An Ice House Skid can make it to areas that people only dream of taking their wheelhouse to! So, what if the fish aren’t biting? No worries! An Ice House Skid is one of the quickest and most efficient ice houses to move from spot to spot. There is no other type of ice house in today’s market that provides you with virtually no hassle or set up time. From early ice to near ice out conditions, our ice houses give you the opportunity to fish earlier in the season. While those with wheelhouses are stuck waiting on shore for thicker ice, you can fish in comfort while staying warm.

When it comes to putting the limits to the test, Ambush makes a skid house that tops anything you have ever experienced. Give us a call today for more information!

Are you curious how our skid houses are made? Check out the assembly process.

Fishing Hole In Ambush SlayerIce Fishing Houses

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Our Mission is to provide the ultimate experience by building the highest quality outdoor product available.

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A. 920 Randolph Road,  Detroit Lakes, MN  56501
P. 1-866-259-2635

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